Royal Nara Signature 

Oriental Royal of NARA 

(Sensation Foot Cleaning + Thai Traditional + Aromatherapy)

This unique ‘Oriental’ Journey combines Thai and European techniques, eases muscle tension and energises the body with acupressure movements and stretching. It includes our signature massage with a concentrated blend of essential oils extracted from plants, which release muscles, soothing properties into the skin and deeply relaxation. 

 90  Mins / 2,200 THB

120 Mins / 2,800 THB

Royal Nara Therapeutic Herbal Ball (Luk Pra Kob)

(Sensation Foot Cleaning + Aromatherapy Massage + Traditional Herbal Ball Compress)


Inspired by the Thai tradition of natural healing Luk Pra Kob,  (Homemade of mix herbs) steam the warmth gently pressed onto your muscles to release tension, and blood circulation after gentle  Aromatherapy Massage in a sequence of acupressure techniques to clam the nerves, relax muscle and tension

120 Mins / 2,400 THB

Royal Nara Organic Rosehip Facial Rituals

(Facial Cleansing + Scrub + Facial Massage (Rosehip Oil) + Mask + Moisturising + Mist)

This exquisite treatment promotes the production of prostaglandins involved in re-growth skin by Organic Rosehip ritual. It is smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and collagen synthesis, which are important for translates into healthy, youthful-looking and balance skin.

**Suitable for all Skin types

60 Mins / 1,900 THB